Make a seed cake ornament as an offering to nature this Imbolc. Traditionally, Imbolc offerings are meant to protect and bless the home. Imbolc is also the time of the Maiden, the quickening, and the planting of seeds. This seed cake is a gift to our friends, the birds. Some birds start courting as early as Midwinter, and they will greatly appreciate the extra food in the cooler winter months.
Imbolc is the sabbat that occurs at Midwinter. This is a time when we look to spring and welcome the oncoming change of seasons. Imbolc symbolizes beginnings, new growth, fertility, the resurgence of life in spring, and reuniting. In honor of nature, make this wonderful birdseed ornament as a gift to friends and birds this Imbolc.
2 cups of birdseed (look for a kind that attracts birds native to your area)
2 packs of gelatin (powdered)
1/2 cup water
cookie cutters or silicone molds
parchment paper (if using cookie cutters)
1. Bring water to a low boil and add the gelatin.
2. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Be patient as this may take some time.
3. Remove the gelatin mixture from heat and let stand ~2 minutes.
4. Mix the gelatin with the bird seed.
5. If you are using cookie cutters, set down a piece of parchment. Tightly pack a cookie cutter with the birdseed. Insert a straw into the birdseed to feed the twine through later. Leave the birdseed in the cookie cutters until dry (at least 2 hours, the longer the better).
If you are using a mold, pack the mold tightly with birdseed. Insert a straw into the birdseed to feed the twine through later. Leave the birdseed in the molds until dry (at least 2 hours, the longer the better).
6. When the birdseed is dry, gently remove the ornaments from their molds or cookie cutters. Insert the twine and tie into a knot for hanging.
7. Hang the ornament in a tree and say the incantation.
"From this bough I hang this offering,
In honor of the coming spring.
Though humble now this gift may be,
From smallest seeds grow wondrous trees."