Ostara, also known as Eostra, occurs during the spring equinox. At Ostara, day and night are in balance, and spring is on its way. During this Sabbat, we play, rejoice, and celebrate fertility, growth, hope, and the onset of spring.
Gods and Goddesses: Eostre, Freya, Persephone, Pan, Osiris
Colors: Pastels, Yellow, Purple, Pink, Blue, Green
Flowers and Herbs: Daffodil, Jasmine, Hyssop, Dandelions, Violets, Crocuses, Pussy Willow, Honeysuckle, Celandine
Crystals: Rose quartz, Jasper, Moonstone, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Moss Agate
Food: Eggs, Honey, Sprouts, Seeds, Edible Flowers, Fruit
Spells: Wishes, Fertility, Happiness, Abundance, Love
Animals: Hare, Unicorn, Pegasus, Snake, Butterflies, Robins, Dragons
Ways to Celebrate Imbolc:
Plant seeds for a garden
Decorate Eggs
Make Potpourri
Grounding Rituals
Ringing Bells
Nature Walk