This delicious honey and strawberry love potion is made with honey, fresh strawberries, and a cup of tea. Brew it to bring love into your life or to add romance and sweeten an existing relationship.

Combine the magic of honeybees and strawberries to make a potent elixir for love, luck, and happiness. Drink this delicious potion to sweeten your love life. Use it to call a lover or add romance to your relationship.
2 large strawberries, chopped
1 cup of water
tea of choice
Place the strawberries and water in a pot. Crush the strawberries with a muddler or the tines of fork.
Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Simmer gently for about 5 minutes.
Strain into a teacup and add one teabag of your choice. Steep according to instructions. Good tea options are peppermint, green tea, rose tea, lavender, chamomile, and jasmine. Optional additions include vanilla bean and a cinnamon stick.
Sweeten with honey to taste. Focus on what you would like to bring into your life. Be as specific as possible. Stir your potion in a clockwise direction.
Recite the incantation and drink your potion.
Tip: If you are in a relationship, make two cups of potion. You should prepare your partner's potion and vice-versa. Say out loud with your partner your intentions for the potion and one or two things you love about them. Recite the incantation together.
"Berry from Venus and food from the bees,
For a love that is lasting, happy, and sweet"